Täglicher Bonus

      habe ich das irgentwie falsch übersetzt/verstanden ... wenn man auf den Info knopf klickt steht doch... dass man alle 30 tage eingesammelt haben muss bevor es resetet... und ganz ehrlich wenn man in nem monat mal ein oder zwei tage kein internet hatte zum loggen muss doch net das ganze vanity weg sein..

      Mfg Tarnnyf72
      Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung!
      There were some players that didn’t really understand how to claim the Fashion Chests in Order & Chaos Online. Well, we’re here to help. Here is a little explanation on how this system works for those who did not understand this.

      The daily reward bonus always resets at a monthly basis, on the same day, for every user. No matter where or what you are, it resets for you to.

      If you want to get the Fashion Chest you will need to log in consecutively, for 30 days straight – starting on the day the reward list resets. So you need to time it right. Let’s explain that a bit further. Once the reward list resets, you will need to log in every single day for the next 30 days to get the Fashion Chest. Otherwise, you won’t get it like that. It’s that simple. But if it’s simple, it doesn’t mean it is easy.

      If you miss a day since the reset, you will be able to get rewards taken away from the 30 days. Easy.
